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Rostra is pleased to introduce its all-new 260-2070 2D1 PAR 56 replacement LED headlamp. Sold in an attractive clamshell retail package, constructed from a die-cast aluminum housing and rugged, abrasion resistant UV-protected lens, this sealed lamp provides vehicle owners with a simple way of replacing aging halogen assemblies with state of the art LED lighting technology. The built-in three-pin H4 connector allows for easy vehicle retrofitting while 9-volt to 32-volt operation covers a wide range of passenger car and truck, motorcycle and commercial vehicle applications.
For the best in driving experience, choose an LED headlight from Rostra, the leader in 12-volt Accessories technology.
Please note, LED headlights for Jeep and Classic Car applications are only sold through authorized distributors. Please contact Rostra to locate a distributor in your area for your LED headlamp needs.